Tag Archives: artist

Interview with Mama Maga: Karma2Dharma Astrology


I’ve been watching Maga’s astrology videos on Youtube for months now. What I like most about her presentation is the focus on spiritual growth and evolution. As my birthday approached, I decided to take the plunge and have her do my natal chart. I’ve been playing around with my chart for a few years so some of what Maga outlined was very familiar, but what was really helpful was that she looked at it from a perspective of soul mission and growth. Turns out, that’s the thing I most needed to hear as we head into 2016. I immediately reached out to Maga to see if she’d be interested in appearing on the blog. She’s here today to share her knowledge and perspective on astrology and healing. Before I launch into some questions I want to share a little about Maga’s background.


Maga is a professional healer, intuitive, astrologer, and artist. She holds a bachelor of science degree from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, is a Usui Reiki master, a licensed massage therapist, and is a certified Kundalini yoga instructor. She has been teaching since the late 1990s after going through her own transformative spiritual experience.

Welcome, Maga!


Mama Maga has answered the interview questions in the following audio file. Please click to listen to this fascinating interview.


1. What was your life like prior to 1995 when you experienced what you call “the Plutonian Passage”?

2. Was it then that you were called into the world in a new way or were you always interested in the spiritual side of life and healing?

3. As I’ve started learning some of the basics of astrology, I’m struck by how large and technical the art and science is. Can you share how you first became interested in astrology and how you proceeded to acquire your understanding?

4. When I was listening to your natal reading of my chart, I wondered how having some of these things pointed out early in my life might have made a difference. How can astrology be a practical tool in people’s lives? For a beginner, how should someone get started?

5. How can astrology be used for those with a spiritual inclination? How can it aid to our evolution and growth?

6. I’ve been watching “The Daily News” on your YouTube channel and I know you’re offering a special program starting in mid-January. Please describe what the 5 Month Membership is and who you think would most benefit from it?

7. As we look at 2016, what astrological aspect(s) should we most be aware of?


Thank you, Maga, for spending some time with us. Maga offers a wide range of astrology and healing services (at affordable rates, I might add). Please check out her YouTube channel and websites for more information.

Maga’s Links:  

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/fireofpurity/about

Astrology Website: http://www.karma2dharmaastrology.com/

Healing Website: http://magaliarts.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CounsellingHealing

Google: https://plus.google.com/+MagaliArts/posts

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Filed under Blog Interview, Uncategorized