What 2015 Brought

As 2015 draws to a close, I suspect most of us get reflective. What happened that surprised us, delighted us, disappointed us? Like most years, 2015 was a mixed batch of experiences. We decide which tag to give each one. I have a container filled with little slips of paper that mark what I label good experiences and soon it will be time to review those in the spirit of gratitude. Always there is the tug of those events that never materialized. But linear time demands we move on, but not before a shout out to some of the new friends I welcomed in 2015. Here are five people  who have enriched my life and moved us closer to a paradigm shift.

E. Magnani - Fuoco - 2011

Fuoco (Fire)

Enrico Magnani: Visionary Artist

Enrico’s paintings have been widely exhibited throughout Europe and in two locations in the US. Currently, he is working on a project called “Cosmic Hug.” Begun in 2013 in Prague, the effort will link art and individuals in a global project demonstrating the interconnectedness of all beings while benefiting the needy.



For more on Enrico Magnani, please visit these sites:





Rea Nolan Martin: Visionary Writer

Rea is the award-winning author of three novels, THE SUBLIME TRANSFORMATION OF VERA WRIGHT (2009), MYSTIC TEA (2014), and THE ANESTHESIA GAME (9/2015). MYSTIC TEA is the recipient of the 2014 IPPY gold medallion and US BEST BOOK award for Visionary Fiction; the 2014 PINNACLE gold medallion in the category of Literary Fiction; and a finalist in the International Book Awards.

The Sublime Transformation of Vera Wright by Rea Nolan Martin


For more on Rea’s work, visit her website or blog.




  Dana Taylor: Author and Healer

Dana writes books with a mystical touch. Her non-fiction book, Ever-Flowing Streams, chronicles her spiritual journey into alternative healing. She is also a Reiki Master who gives healing treatments.



For more on Dana and her books visit her blog.

Website: Supernal Living

Facebook: Dana Taylor

Supernal Living with Dana Taylor

Twitter: @supernaldana


Theresa Crater: Visionary Writer

Theresa Crater brings ancient temples, lost civilizations and secret societies back to life in her paranormal mysteries. In The Star Family, a Gothic mansion holds a secret spiritual group and a 400-year-old ritual that must be completed to save the day. Her other novels are Under the Stone Paw and Beneath the Hallowed Hill. Currently, she teaches writing and British lit in Denver.

THE STAR FAMILY by Theresa Crater


Visit her at http://theresacrater.wordpress.com

Twitter:  @theresacrater

Facebook:  Author page   https://www.facebook.com/tlcwrites


Kim Harding: Artist, Writer, and Teacher

Kim is a professor at Colorado Mountain College.  She holds a PhD in physiology and biophysics and a master’s degree in transformative visual art. Her interests include women’s issues, art, and female embodiment.



For more information on Kim and her work, please visit her at the following sites:




What a year and what a talented bunch! See you all in 2016. There are surprises ahead.


Filed under 2016 Summary

20 responses to “What 2015 Brought

  1. Thankk you for sharing this


  2. Happy New Year! Is there a site in Prague to see Magnani’s art? We will probably be there in March,


  3. Thanks for sharing these. I will definitely become more aware of some of them!


  4. A wonderful way to conclude the year, Ellis! Wishing you much peace, love, and inspiration in 2016!


  5. It’s just turned 2016 here in the UK (perhaps a few hours after), and I wish you all the best for the coming year. You nudged a few of my posts up this year and coming from someone as learned as you I’m very grateful for your attention. I am on a mission to be as resilient as I can be in the face of “corporate curmudgeonary” in 2016 and hope the Universe (and its comrades) will provide me with inspiration to continue to inspire others by my sincere words of wisdom.

    Take care you xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Reblogged this on Angus48's Blog and commented:
    I enjoyed this.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Reblogged this on Supernal Living with Dana Taylor and commented:
    It was great to make Ellis Nelson’s short list! I’m going to check out the others. Wishing everyone many Supernal Adventures in the New Year!


  8. reanolanmartin

    This is a beautiful surprise right here, Ellis! 2016 will be magnificent with new friends like you in it! Your name belongs right up there! Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you for being a part of my 2015 experience. Best of everything to you in 2016.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Theresa Crater

    Thanks, Ellis! And I met you. Happy New Year!


  11. INCOMESCO / Jesi

    Hi, Wish You a Very Happy New Year.


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