In the last two weeks, my husband and I have welcomed a new dog into the family. Luke is a friendly, almost two year old, Golden Retriever who has had a rough start in life. As we are getting to know each other, I’m drawn back into the routine and wonder of dog ownership. All the while, our elderly cat, George, raises an eyebrow and wonders why he can’t live in a one cat household.




I’ve been re-reading and thoroughly enjoying Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home (And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals) by Rupert Sheldrake. Sheldrake is a biologist with a Ph.D. from Cambridge. As a pet owner himself he wondered why the stories of pet owners were so universally ignored by scientists. He felt that confining research to lab animals or wildlife observation misses entirely to capture a unique understanding man has with his companion animals. Sheldrake set out to mine this field for its gold. He interviewed hundreds of people with experience with our closest companion animals. These included dog trainers, vets, zoo keepers, kennel owners, and pet owners. Later, he conducted formal surveys in Britain and the US to quantify the frequency of the most commonly reported behaviors in the area of perceptiveness. He took a special interest in reports of dogs that seemed to know when their owners were coming home. These dogs displayed anticipatory behavior which included alertness and going to a particular spot to await their owner’s return. Using a scientific approach, Sheldrake set out to learn what was at work in this commonly reported behavior.

He examined the common explanations many have given for this behavior. An established routine by the owner, a dog’s superior sense of smell, a dog’s keen hearing ability, human cueing, and the use of a familiar mode of transportation did not seem likely. When these things were eliminated, case histories suggested a human/animal bond along the lines of telepathy.


The best way to understand this is to look at the case of Jaytee and owner Pam Smart. Pam often left Jaytee with her parents when she went out and over time, the parents noticed Jaytee would go to a window and wait for Pam to return. Often the parents had no idea when Pam would return but started to trust Jaytee’s signal because Pam did show up shortly after the dog would go to the window. The Smarts kept logs of the incidents and before long an opportunity arose to film what was really going on. A camera was set up to watch Jaytee and a film crew followed as Pam was sent out. At a randomly selected time Pam was told to return home. On split screen and with the times synchronized, the film shows Pam being told it’s time to return while Jaytee reacts at the same moment with alertness and ears pricked. While Pam walks to a taxi stand, Jaytee goes to a window to wait. Jaytee seems to be responding to Pam’s intention to return suggesting a mind to mind connection. Telepathy! Further research carried out in 1995 and 1996, confirmed that Jaytee anticipated Pam’s arrival at randomly chosen times and in unfamiliar vehicles. Psychic debunker, Dr. Richard Wiseman, conducted his own experiment and found the same result.

Work with filming several other dogs indicated that Jaytee is not alone in her ability. Surveys indicate that the behavior is widespread in all kinds of dogs. About 51% of dogs seem to do this. Males display the behavior slightly more than females. A close bond with a human does seem to be necessary to induce the dog to engage in the behavior. Sheldrake advances the idea of morphic fields to explain the mind to mind connection we have with our pets. This invisible connection is likened to a rubber that can stretch over large distances to facilitate communication.

Sheldrake’s book is a delight. There are many stories of dogs, cats, parrots, horses and other animals engaging in behaviors because they are so connected to us. In later chapters, animal empathy, telepathy, precognition, and sense of direction are covered. I invite you to explore this fascinating book and rediscover your pet through the eyes of science. And don’t forget to share your stories here. I spent a lot of time on dogs, but how many of you have cats who know when there is a vet appointment? Mine does and not because the cat carrier is left out.

Watch the videos:

Unexplained Power of Animals

Science Deluded





Filed under animals, Book Review, Books


  1. Reblogged this on Supernal Living with Dana Taylor and commented:
    Ellis Nelson shares the mind connect between animals and their owners.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I watched this on TV several years ago. It was amazing! It’s been on my mind lately, too. I’m so glad I came to your blog. Now I know the researcher’s name AND that there’s a book! I also understand what Michael Donohue above meant by pack instincts and social cohesion being an innate trait in dog. I think it does greatly suggest some sort of telepathy, which you see when you watch how pack animals hunt together. Or even flock animals flyng together without crashing into each other. Personally, I think it’s something deeper than telepathy, something we have no name for, and I think it should stay unnamed and unknown. Thanks for posting, and thanks for visiting my blog!


  3. am just finishing rupert sheldrake’s book. I have an animal book at


  4. Be Well And Happy

    Your new dog is beautiful 😉 Interesting article. I definitely think that dogs are an awful lot more intelligent than we think. My collie is incredible. She is really empathetic and emotional – I don’t care what anyone says….


  5. George looks just like my Pickles. Pickles is HUGE. I don’t know what breed he is–probably mixed. Anyway your cat is lovely. I’ve never seen I cat I didn’t like.


  6. Having a pet in the house is not only fun but it gives a sense of security as well. In the sense of dogs, of course. My cat Dexter does nothing except for sleeping, eating, playing and hiding when a stranger comes. But hes fun. 🙂


  7. Fascinating post! I have always believed that animals and humans can communicate telepathically..I have had proof of this in my own experiences that telepathic communication can and does occur over long distances via thought frequencies.



  9. Joanna Fay

    Love this post, Ellis. The empathetic bonds between humans and animals is so interesting. I have a loving, affectionate rabbit (a house pet)…recently I sprained my spine and herniated a disc, and she proceeded to chew the fur off down her back, almost to the skin. As my back recovered, she stopped doing it and her fur has grown back, and she has gone from very quiet to bounding around joyfully again. 🙂


  10. What a great post. Love the thought of being that connected with my pups.


  11. Great post!! We have four rescue dogs and they each have their own personality! One thing they share in common is that they LOVE Jiff Peanut Butter crackers at 8:00 AM every morning. I believe they have US trained!! They all start barking until we get the peanut butter out of the closet. They also know when we drive down the road and guess that they can hear the particular truck’s sound! We totally enjoy these guys and they are also characters in the book that I wrote, “The Wolf’s Moon”. Have a great day!


  12. Cool post. I tend to believe that telepathy is more of a natural phenomenon than a supernatural one. Animals just do not have as much mental chatter to distract them like we humans do.


  13. Really enjoyed the post. I’m not a great dog person but it makes sense of the love so many of my friends have for theirs.


  14. Liz

    Thanks for checking out my blog! This is quite a fascinating post and of course, right up my ally of research as well. I read of this study and several similar ones in a book called “The Synchronized Universe: New Science of the Paranormal” by Claude Swanson, Ph.D. It discusses many types of paranormal areas and the research that has been done on them.

    Much luck and love to your Luke and George! I have a wonderful rescue cat, Bob, who was thrown away in a box and has become a wonderful companion.


  15. Whatever the outcome of such research, I believe in a century or so animals will treated as ‘conscious’ creatures and therefore their welfare better protected.

    Either way, I am glad that you ‘rehomed’ a dog – your generosity will be rewarded by dedicated companionship.


  16. Really interesting post.
    We have a cat who *seems* to do this kind of thing although it’s not scientifically proven and he may just be hearing the car! – I’m not sure if he perhaps learned it from the old Labrador we had when he was a kitten. He loves to run to the door and greet people, unlike any other car we’ve had.


  17. Hi, first to say thanks for dropping by my blog and liking my post `need to be present’. Second, I recently gained the friend of a Cat I now call LJ. It is quite the experience he being my first real pet so I can relate to your statements about becoming familiar with their traits. That all said, here is a link I’n not sure if it will work for you but it is to a documentary about Dogs and their relationship with we humans – the pros and cons it is quite entertaining and in-sightful…all the best


  18. Thank you for finding my blog. I enjoyed reading your article. Many people underestimate a dog’s intelligence and ESP. I too have a rescue dog, he was obviously abused, but in a year he has changed into a happy little dog. He obviously still has some bad memories, which make him behave oddly at times..


  19. Sounds like an interesting book… I find research into these areas quite intriguing. Incidentally, my mother (who is not somebody who is into spooky/supernatural/spiritual stuff) has told me about how when she was a kid, her parents often took long road trips (without her), and she always could sense when they would start to head home. This would be confirmed after the fact that she was correct.


    • Yup. Scroll down to see the blog I wrote about ESP and scientific studies. These kinds of things are very common and hint at our connectedness. Mothers and children have strong bonds.


  20. This is great news for fantasy writers—telepathy exists! It also supports my long-held theory that animals do know what we want, not because they understand what we say, but because theyunderstand what we mean.


  21. a horse saved my life – i would have not had the will to come back and out of the hospital but not for heeding the words of a friend “get what you want as you may never get another chance to enjoy it” – so i got Jake—The Black Waltz – some animals just seem to read not only our emotions – but our thoughts – and some like Jake have a sense of humor
    thank you for visiting my blog


  22. As a park naturalist, close to 30 years of experience with animals, wild and domestic, have taught me that we have barely scratched the boundries of what defines the true nature of animals. Great post.


  23. Thank you for liking my post. There is definitely a connection between pets and their humans, and a sensitivity and understanding in the animal world. (A sad story: We lived two blocks away from our grandparents when I was growing up. When our grandfather died, our little dog went to his home and sat forlornly in his yard. This went on, I believe, for several weeks. And the dog was not even his pet!)


  24. Wonderful post. I definitely agree there is a connection between animals and their people, and a sensitivity and understanding on the part of animals, wild and domestic. (A sad story: We lived two blocks away from our grandparents when I was a child. When our grandfather passed away, our dog went to his home and stayed outside. This went on, I believe, for several weeks. And the dog wasn’t even our grandparents’ pet!)


    • Interesting. Did the dog have a relationship with your grandfather? Sheldrake has collected accounts of animals reacting to death in similar ways. Sometimes it’s irratic behavior like a dog howling when the master has died (even when the owner is miles or continents away). Sheldrake advances the idea that morphic fields connect us and distance has no effect. Quantum mechanics would call this non-locality and atoms have been observed doing what Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.”


  25. Thank you for visiting my blog and the like on Inner Reflection. I’ve lived with animals all my life and seen first hand their intuitiveness and intelligence. I’ve known animals who were far more compassionate than some people I know. Theirs is the company I choose when I want honesty and comfort. Another endearing book, if you’re interested, is by naturalist Sy Montgomery, The Good Good Pig.


  26. I enjoyed reading this post. I am new to cat-human relationships – I adopted a cat in January. When I return from a day of work, she meows before I put the key in the door! Thanks for liking one of the posts on the blog.


  27. That is awesome. My dog doesn’t seem to do this. I catch him snoozing on the couch when I come home. lol Though my parrot might be the one to watch.


  28. Two of my Three cats do the same, they are either waiting on the drive or sat in the window as soon as we pull up. Or if someone is in they get up and go to the window, the car promptly pulls up seconds later.


  29. Buna ziua ! Imi place foarte mult aceasta postare.Am un Golden Ritriever ,il cheama Athos, are 5 ani.Este ideal pentru familia mea,il iubim foarte mult .Nu l-am dresat,insa comportamentul lui este identic cu cel descris in postarea ta. Foarte inteligent,cuminte,curat,te iubeste neconditionat,.Perfectiune,il adoram ! Va doresc o primavara frumoasa!
    Cu respect INA HELGIU


  30. Love this post! We are absolutely connected to everyone and everything in our world, if we ever get quiet enough to hear. Of course our precious pets would pick up on when we’re coming home! Looks like a fun book. I love to read more and more evidence of our connection. Thanks for sharing. 🙂


  31. This is so funny, but true. My dog Andre, and my partner’s dog Nancyboy wait for him to arrive home at the end of the day. Nancy waits by the window, sticking his head between the curtains while Andre sits by the front door, rattling the doorknob with his nose. They get upset if he is late, wincing around, but I know when he’s on his way when Andre slips off the couch and makes his way to the front door.


    • Sheldrake also found that dogs who wait for their owners also adapt to a change in plans. So if the dogs are cueing on your partner’s intention, they will also pick up on a change in plans. So let’s say your partner heads home from work (at an unexpected time, to eliminate routine). The dogs go to the window and act excited. Then your partner goes to his car and starts to head home but then he realizes today is the last day for a sale at a store so he changes his plans and goes to the store. The dogs pick up on the new intention and leave the window to do other things at the moment your partner makes the decision to go to the store. Might be something to look for. Most owners miss this piece of the behavior.


  32. Thanks for liking my blog post today! Our family also has a Golden Retriever and she is by far the most loving and kind dog we have ever had. She is even tolerated by our cranky old Tom cat , amazing! Enjoy the new addition to your home. -Nikki.


  33. vam

    Reblogged this on verum intus, fulsi vacuus and commented:
    Great read … and unusual !


  34. Hey I love that you’re reviewing non-fiction! I like reading a mix of both fiction and non-fiction (though I lean HEAVILY towards fiction) and this sounds good. I’m most curious about how parrots showed that type of telepathic behavior–was there more than on story about that in the book?


    • Many of Sheldrake’s books are popular and libraries tend to buy his stuff. I was unfamiliar with this new work with this grey. I’ve read a lot about Alex and if you don’t know about him, check out Dr. Pepperberg’s work with the parrot Alex.


    • I found it! There’s a bit about the African Gray N’kisi on p. 241 and telepathy in Sheldrake’s book SCIENCE SET FREE. For the whole story see “Testing a language-using parrot for telepathy” by Sheldrake, R. and Morgana, A. (2003) in Journal of Scientific Exploration, 17, 601-15.


  35. This is a great article! My sister says my cat knows when I get off the elevator, as opposed to any of my neighbours, and waits by the door for me. She also follows me “like a dog” everywhere! I tell people all the time never, ever underestimate the love and intelligence of any animal! Thanks so much for the like as well!


  36. Congratulations and I truly believe DOG’s have a 6th sense and what your writing is eluding to here. In fact many animals have these inherit evolved sense but DOG’s especially tend to direct their UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and GRATITUDE towards their owners, which gives us the opportunity to learn and incorporate this in our own lives!

    PS. Spell DOG, backwards – GOD 🙂


  37. Very intriguing article Ellisnelson! It sounds like the studies by Rupert Sheldrake were empirically valid, and his research lends a lot of support to speculation about some sort of telepathic connection. We humans have pretty limited senses, especially compared to our canine friends, so it interests me to think that other animals can sense our intentions. I’ll definitely be picking up this book at my local library.


  38. This post was beautiful but painful for me, because I remember that I had this kind of connection with my wonderful dog Bonnie, she is now physically dead (because she will always live in my mind) and when she was alive spent a lot of time together and I shared with her almost everything. M


    • My parents told me that they used to know when I was coming back home because she would get very nervous and go out to the front yard, and it was very nice to come back home and see her already awaiting in the front yard. Other thing that was nice is that somehow, I think, both of us could tell in what mood we were and that every time that I was upset or sad she would find a way to make smile. When she died, I felt something breaking inside me, like if something was missing. Sometimes I still feel that and I just have to remember her to feel that she was already part of me. Pets stop being pets when you get connected them and become part of your family. They deserve the love and respect that we would have for any other human being. Thanks for this recommendation!!!!


  39. Perhaps animals have a sort of “dynamic similarity” in the brains with their owners like Michael Persinger created in separated humans with magnetic fields.

    No More Secrets


  40. My mom always knew when I was coming home though miles away because my dog would go to the window and look out until I entered the driveway. I use to come home at different times so it wasn’t habit. The dog I now have does the same when I’m still quite a distance from home. My sister and I live in the same house and the dog does the same for her schedule, which is never the same.



  42. A great book. I read it awhile ago and admire Sheldrake and his findings. I am going to reblog this post because I think it is so important for people to know just how special dogs and other animals are. Thanks for this post and for visiting my blog.


  43. I wanted to come by and let you know that I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. I know these awards can be a bit time consuming, so if you choose not to accept the award I understand. I will have the info up on my blog shortly. Either way, I enjoy your thoughts!


  44. Rusty knew, sensed, felt, somehow when I was around, and I with him. Though never fenced in or restrained in any way, when I was around he was never far away. We were connected. We never doubted each others motives. We trusted, without hesitation, each other. If you feel so disposed, you might want to read short essay, story (with pictures) that I wrote as a tribute to Rusty, titled WE THOUGHT WE’D LIVE FOREVER… here’s the link:


    Great article ! I’m going to get the book and really look forward to reading it. THANKS !


  45. Interesting. I think my cat is still wondering why she had to come home with me. I would love to understand her brain and thoughts


  46. I read that book some years ago and it definitely resonated. I had cats at various times and a dog as well, and it was uncanny how they seemed to have knowledge of what was coming without any apparent evidence. Maybe we send out pheremones when we hold certain thoughts, which is still a kind of telepathy because everything that happens in the brain involves some chemical response. My dog was able to follow complex directions, and believe me I did not consciously train her to do so, as I knew next to nothing about raising a dog. I would recommend another book, although it is fiction: The Art of Racing in the Rain. I mean, I assume it’s fiction as the narrator is a dog. The story is not too hard to believe, if you accept the premise that our dogs really know us better than we know ourselves.


  47. rgdole

    First off, my dog is named George too… And she always seems to know when we’re coming home too but i don’t think it’s telepathic with her… we actually once had a camera up in our house to make sure she didn’t do anything bad… and she started howling after a bit… but she stopped as soon as she heard us drive up… so for her she does at least seem to know the sounds of our cars… but i don’t think she has awesome powers… though i do believe it’s possible… animals are really intuitive… i did find it funny my husband pointed out the other day that whenever we fight she goes and grabs a toy and trys to get us to play with her… like she doesn’t want us to argue… i mean we’re not in a screaming match or anything… we’re just disagreeing about whatever… but she picks up on the change… i thought it was really sweet…


  48. thanks! sounds like a great book, I’ll check it out.


  49. Yours is a cool story! When my neighbor was going in labour to have her baby my boy Beagle was going mental. I actually had to put him on the lead in the house! He was pacing back and forth and back and forth! I knew the baby was coming! Then several days later when the baby came home Buddy reacted. He had a different bark that I never heard before. As the new parents next door settled in so did Buddy. There was also a show on TV that said dogs can sometimes smell scents almost 20 years old! Insain!


  50. rebeccavt

    I’m going to take a leap of faith that everyone here love animals and believes in them and say that there are wonderful books out there, written by Animal Communicators. Having experienced communication with animals, I can tell you their inner life is quite rich and they certainly don’t get enough credit for being sentient beings! We humans think we have a lock on intellingence, but it wasn’t long ago that we believed that animals and babies cannot feel pain! We have much to learn from our animals friends…


  51. Fascinating! Thank you for sharing the videos. My cat too knows when I am coming back from work. My partner has seen him wake up and go up on the window sill about 10 minutes before my arrival (which is the time when I would be leaving my work).


  52. I absolutely loved this. My wife and children have told me that my dog Mac (Macduff) will start barking at the door the minute he hears my car turn the corner of the street we live on. This is almost a quarter of a mile away!


  53. mysticcooking

    I recently read “Inside of a Dog” by Alexandra Horowitz, and I really enjoyed how she tried to put herself in the perspective of the dog, rather than a human perspective. I felt like I understood dogs a little bit better after reading it. I’ll have to check out this book as well – thanks for the tip!


  54. we’ve had seventeen dogs, three at a time, and mostly rescued… we tried using all sorts of different words, like ‘promenade’ or a ‘W’ – but they always knew we were going for a walk. They also sent us after death messages, which I will be writing about…


  55. Yes, animals particularly dogs have immense instinct to know things, in certain way much better in a way than humans.


  56. This is a great post! Right up my alley, so to speak! I think that Luke is one lucky boy. I’m betting that y’all develop that bond that’s going to have him sitting at windows waiting. I do that a lot. And in being a therapy dog, and having to share that job with my buddy Walker, we both have learned about taking turns and always know when our turn to go with the Mom Person has come around. Dogs just know these kinds of things about our people!


  57. Love it! My husband reports that our silly cat sits and waits at the top of the steps when she hears me unlocking the door. Furry children are truly a gift! Thanks for this great post!


  58. My children report that they always know when I’m coming home because the cat runs to the window and watches for me. I’m self-employed and don’t keep a regular schedule, so it seems this might be another example like the ones studied by Sheldrake.

    On what may be a related note, when my eldest was an infant we would leave him with my in-laws when we went out to eat or to a movie. Sometimes this was during the day and sometimes it was during the evening. My in-laws said that almost without exception he would become inexplicably fussy about ten minutes before we walked in the door. They took to calling it the mommy early warning system.


    • Interesting! I’m sure if dogs and cats have this ability, mothers and children must be tied the same way. Usually we think of mother’s intuition as mom’s knowing when something is wrong, but why wouldn’t babies feel the other end of this connection? It would be fascinating to see this studied.


  59. Be Well And Happy

    lovely blogpost… I am a massive doglover and own a collie. I think that dogs know an awful lot more than we think they do. The most extraordinary relationships are possible between dogs and humans where there is love and trust.


  60. Great post! It sounds trite, but dogs etc. can’t talk our language and yet I’m convinced there’s more going on in their heads than just instinct – only we can’t know it or see it. I certainly don’t think we should kid ourselves that humans are superior (though we do this all the time). That idea – the myth that humans are preeminent because they named the animals and have power over them – that strikes me as sentimental and stupid in the extreme.. I’ve met lots of humans who impressed me less than most dogs and cats. I’m not into animal rights by the way. That’s a losing battle.


  61. Our dogs would do this all the time. We often know (a few minutes) before one of us gets home (due to the dogs getting exited).
    We have pet parrots, who are kept in an attached garage; they keep quiet during the night (and in the morning when they think that you are still sleeping); this, I think, is an intelligent form of respect that they have (concerning the fact that, if you are sleeping, you — naturally — don’t want to be disturbed).
    I often sleep-in late (due to going to bed very late at night). I’ve noticed for a very long time now… that when I get up (and don’t make the slightest peep) they seem to know it instantly… and begin their ritualistic “morning, arising screaming (that is louder than loud)”. Often this happens when I just sit up in bed… (just after initially waking up). (And no, it’s not the screaming that wakes me up!)


    • I believe you! You’d love the work Sheldrake is doing with an African Grey. The first video link below, has Sheldrake talking about work with this bird. Listen to the last three minutes or so to catch that part. Do your birds talk?


      • Actually, it was Dr. Pepperberg who was doing the research with the African Grey parrot, named Alex. Alex has died, some time ago; now they are working with similar gifted birds.
        Yes, some of mine talk. One even asks questions (that we never taught it) using the right inflections! When we put on jackets or coats, Tweetie will ask, “Are you going bye-bye now?” Sometimes she’ll alternatively say, “Can I go too?” We never taught her these things! Does she say things I’m thinking about?… not really… but once I was trying to get a video game to work and just couldn’t. She, situated where she could see me and the TV, said, “How’s the thing working?” I said, “I just can’t seem to get it to work.” She then said, “Can I help?” Amazing! 🙂

        This morning, I noticed, that as soon as I woke up, they started screaming loudly; I was still in bed; they couldn’t have heard me! My wife had been up for quite some time… so it is like they sense when we’re both up!


      • Fascinating. Yes, I know about Alex and was shocked when he died because he died so young.


      • Oh yes… and we ordered Sheldrake’s book that you reviewed! Thanks much!


  62. Congratulations on your beautiful new family member! May you and Luke bring each other much comfort and joy, and many good times in the years ahead.


  63. Fascinating, and well timed – I just got a new dog on Monday! I’m going to see if I can get hold of this book…thanks for the tip:-)


  64. Sometimes my dogs respond quicker to my thoughts than my commands, especially if it has something to do with food or outdoors. My cats are harder to read but certainly have seen them clue into my thoughts. Love the work of Rupert as well, good stuff.


    • Another area Sheldrake is workin on is dogs that know when they’re going to be walked or get a special treat, before the person has taken any action to do the thing. My dog often anticipated going for walks before I got out of my chair or did anything to cue him. I can’t remember the name of the CSU professor with Asperger’s but she believes animals pick up on our thoughts by way of pictures. And that animals think in pictures. That’s the way she’d view this phenomena.


      • Yea, they definitely know when the thought of walking them crosses my mind. Seeing in pictures is understandable as I often do so myself and assume dogs don’t have words in their mind to contemplate what it is they’re sensing. Imagine the wide range of smells a dog may encounter and how they differentiate each of them. Similar to how when we smell, once encountered, an image (at least for me) pops into mind. So suppose that when I’m thinking of going outside the dogs pick up on those subtle energies and based on past experience of reception of those energies, they have an image from which to act upon.


      • A dog’s world must be smell- a- vision on steroids!


  65. I don’t believe that animals have “powers” but it’s something natural to them to receive frequencies that we don’t. This connection we have with the animals reminds us how close we were to the nature in the past and our distance from it caused this disconnection. Animal lovers feel their souls closer to the nature. In the past I used to have pets but unfortunately now my apartment is very small. Your dog and cat are so beautiful!


    • Sheldrake would agree with you that these abilities are completely natural and shouldn’t be viewed as “paranormal” or “supernatural.” Biology needs to expand its paradigm to examine these abilities in animals and humans. I treasure the connection I have to my animals.


  66. SUper cool. I love dogs even more now!


  67. Ellis, I have had 4 Goldens and they have all been special dogs. Our current girl “Cider” is now over 7 and is a great joy and wonderful teacher.
    We really love her.


    • I agree, our pets can be wonderful teachers. We lost our first Golden to vessel cancer and it was very traumatic. Only other pet lovers have any idea. Pet lovers are a special breed in themselves! Yay for Cider!


  68. When I lived with my parents, my mum and dad’s dog at 6pm would climb onto the sofa, look out of the window and wait for me to come in from work. We put it down to my dad having the local news on and the dog associating that when she heard the theme tune it wasn’t long before I walked in from work. However the franchise changed for our local TV station and they changed the theme tune to the news … so my parents were expecting the dog to stop doing it.. no such luck, 6pm came and she was back onto the sofa waiting for me to come in. And she would only do this for 5 nights. If I went out over the weekend she never bothered… it was only when I went to work.


    • Sounds like she knew your routine and dogs do have a circadian clock so they learn our routines. It does show she was bonded to you though because your return was important to her.


      • Yes we were very close.. every night she knew there was a goodie in my handbag for her… she wouldn’t touch it until I went to bed…

        One night though, I did have in my handbag a big bag of mint imperials which I forgot to take out… and she munched those too… My mum said the next day she couldn’t move without making a noise … she was fine though just very bad wind.


  69. My son’s dog followed his young wife around during her first pregnancy- This time the dog was her protective shadow even before She knew she was pregnant ) the pregnancy test would work!!…INE WEEK into her pregnancy, The dog kept tripping her, she was always at Erica’s side, even laying on the floor beside her at night


  70. Thanks for this post – it’s on my wishlist now ;o)


  71. my cat ALWAYS knows when we’re about to travel. at first i started to not take the carrier out. then i started to not load the car so frequent at once. then i worked really hard to not pick up my pace or show that i was packing or take stuff to the car at all. no matter what, it would always end in an hour long hunt to find the cat hidden somewhere different than before.


  72. Sounds like a great read. In the case of dogs, specifically, I am inclined to consider pack instincts, social cohesion and interaction being an innate canine trait.


    • I think what you’re saying goes to motivation but it doesn’t explain the mechanism by which it’s done. No doubt, dogs’ social nature bonds us to them and vice versa and they certainly are great at picking up subtle cues, but that doesn’t explain how Jaytee knows when Pam is leaving a place when it’s miles away, unscheduled, and Pam herself has no advance knowledge.


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